A Thematic Approach

Video Transcript

The method we're using in this course is a thematic approach to defining, vetting against, and embedding the idea of your business's brand persona or personality into your web copy, your social media posts and engagement, and your product and service design and promotion, so that the entirety of your messaging is on point with your brand persona. And, because it's so consistently and intentionally applied, it'll be easier for others to see the brand personalities shine through, and identify it and associate it with your business.

It's going to be authentic, because of how you've identified the themes. And it's going to be easy to apply, because we're going to build it up like a checklist.

This checklist kind of becomes the data that you're infusing into your brand for other people to uncover.

So what does it mean to uncover thematic data? Well, we're doing this all of the time, personally and professionally, consciously and subconsciously, as we do things like scan through customer reviews and recommendations. We look for the things people are talking about, like, in the case of this review of a spa, the massages and the price. And we scan through for what people are saying about those things, like that the price is steep, but it's also a nice treat. And, as we scan more reviews, we pull out themes for how other people view that company, and we use that to inform our brand persona for that company in our heads. We do that same kind of thing when we read over social media posts and comments, and anywhere where we find copy about or by the company.

This is what I mean when I say that other people own your brand, because that brand persona really lives in other people's heads and perceptions. And so when we ask questions like, "What is your business' brand," we've already kind of missed the mark. Because the real question is, "What are your business' brands?" Because brands are all of the different ways that different people create an idea about who your business is, based on the content that they stumble across that's by or about your business, in whatever order they happen to come across it.

To get ahead of this process, you first need to get really clear on the business brand persona you want people to create so that you can start intentionally and consistently applying that brand persona out in the world.

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